The authorities in Pristina have completed preparations for seasonal employment with the state of Germany, after Kosovo since 2004, has carried out only with the state for seasonal employment agreement.
Hafiz Leka, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, writes that by the end of June, about 118 students will travel to Germany for seasonal employment.
According to him, there are large numbers of students who are interested in this project, but German authorities criteria are difficult to implement. Since the implementation of this project benefited 1600 students.
"This year about 300 students applied, 118 were selected for their students, because the criteria are very strict. The student should have the status of a university student, whether private or public, should know the German language, the student must not have a criminal record or any other folder that has fallen against German laws, but we have not had such cases . So far we have not had any incidents during the development of this program with the Government, "writes Alexander.
The student Amir Latifi said that after completion of this academic year, will willingly go to any European Union country to work until October.
"If Kosovo is no agreement as in previous years, as they say in the '80s, seasonal employment, would willingly go. Under the deal I had worked, I gained some material and I will return to Kosovo, "says Amir.
Even experts consider economic issues is welcome seasonal employment for all able-bodied residents.
Naim Gashi said that Kosovo is not gaining from seasonal employment to provide the European Union, especially in the agricultural sector.
"Countries like Spain, Italy, France and other countries, employing millions of seasonal workers within a year. I think that the creation of the possibility of lifting the visa, Kosovars will have an easier access to the markets of seasonal employment in the European Union and it will somehow alleviate the impact of high levels of unemployment that exists in Kosovo, "said Gashi.
Kosovo authorities, in addition to Germany, did not reach any agreement with any of the new EU countries for seasonal employment for citizens.
Achieving such agreements, it is difficult process, says Hafiz Leka, because Kosovo is not a member of the EU.
"It's a step, even though I have transnational barriers, because Kosovo is not recognized by all member states of the EU. Kosovo has not yet signed an agreement for cooperation in terms of flexibility of the labor force in Europe. But for now, I can say that we have made a modest step, little in this direction, "says Alexander.
Besides presenting obstacle in this regard Kosovo from joining the European Union, Naim Gashi expert considers that Kosovo institutions should engage more in the process.
"Especially, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, should increase its efforts to negotiate not only with the governments of member states, but also utilizing diplomatic missions, ambasadate European Union countries and other countries in Kosovo, to increase the number of seasonal employment, which reduces the level of poverty and increase the standard of living of the citizens of Kosovo, "Gashi estimates for Radio Free Europe.
According to the census, the population, showing the unemployment figures, said that of 508 100 inhabitants who are able to work, 44.9 percent are unemployed. / Telegraph /