Friday, May 17, 2013

Elena: I slept several times, is not called treason

The spectacle of last night's "Big Brother" with strong surprises for residents. Elena explains its connection to Vigan: I do not, I boyfriend outdoors.

Strong emotions and accompanied prapritura hours last night to show "Big Brother". It has been nine weeks in the house of "Big Brother". Week started with a negative breath. So much was achieved by dividing the budget by groups. Not unintentionally BB organized a week test division of territories into two groups mingled people that do not have much sympathy for each other. Since the house is on Tuesday turned into a positive family environment and in terms of communication between all residents. For the first time there is gossip and debates. Joanna Elonën speaks, communicates freely with Ilir Anaidi including and all the other residents. During the week the house was put on the secret trail of Anaidit "From 10 years cater for a person with special needs." And although there was no doubt the inhabitants still has not found the secret. Sunday's spectacle offered a surprise for Education. Company "The head-hunter Albania" has offered a two-year contract for the work. Unlike the reports of love born in previous editions of "Big Brother", this edition seems reports are not so much sentimental. They are in a more superficial type "night sleep together, the day are BB". But these types of relationships have caused more reactions outside the house. Elena and Leviathan have shown their report yesterday in the house of "Big Brother". Arbana invited them to come into the yard. There were two chairs in front of a monitor, Arbana begins to ask the two young men to report that they have between them. Both in some way deny that they have feelings for each other and continue to leave the same doubts to those who attend from outside the house. The analyst tries to show through harassment and comments, though less severe, to make clear Elenën to talk about her feelings. She often talks about her boyfriend outside the house, while there is a very close relation with Vigan which share the bed, share many kisses, hugs, kind words of endearment towards one another, but Elena has never accepted that it feels to Vigan. Elena, among others, said that if he was out would have avoided contact with Vigan, but not clearly demonstrated why it is so near, inside the house. She said "I love Vigan only for the female ego, or better to say I do not like either for themselves or for others," said Elena, but faced strong criticism opinionistit, who said he would very well understand its behavior if it would distract relationship outside the house and will have to decide on which guy feels and wants to continue a relationship.

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