Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Greece, youth unemployment dramatic

According to the latest labor market in Greece, the rate of youth unemployment has reached a new record level of 27 percent. Nearly two-thirds of young Greeks do not have jobs. Unions and experts warn of the social consequences of unemployment record. In the case before the crisis, the young Greek speaking bitterly complained about low salaries and called themselves the generation of "Euro 1000", the situation now seems almost like a paradise, because today more than 60 percent of youth Greeks are unemployed.
Ilias Katsoulis, publicist and professor of sociology and political science at the University of Athens, has analyzed the past ten years, upheaval and reforms in the Greek market and the international labor market. "A whole generation of educated young people feel put aside, especially since many of them are long-term unemployed. This results in a vicious circle: in crisis our society has urgent need for these people. But it offers them little opportunity to use their skills, which deepens the crisis. many of them have no choice except to move abroad and this is a good thing. We benefit from this, because many Greek immigrants eventually return once and bring their expertise and experience, "said Katsoulis.

The fact that so far in Greece had no social revolt experts associate with strong connectivity and traditional Greek family. In Greece is still regarded as self-evident that the older members of the family of financially supporting children and grandchildren, if it is necessary. But generosity while confronting the limits of reality, believes economic journalist from Athens Babis Papadimitriou.

The latest data show that the labor market registered unemployment has increased tenfold in the 65 + age group in just five years, he explains. This means that more and more Greeks want to work even though they are in the retirement age in order to be able to contribute to family support, said Babis Papadimitriou.

"The fact that so many people over 65 want to work, reflects a change in mentality in Greek society. I would not say that this is positive, but it shows the seriousness of the situation. A similar trend is also observed among women who until now to devote themselves to family only. And they show interest in employment growth, because otherwise they can not afford living, "says Papadimitriou.

As a three-party government led by Conservative Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, as the European Commission promise to facilitate access to the labor market, especially for young Greeks. In a first step, towns and cities will be awarded this year by the EU funds in the amount of 450 million euros to finance at least 100,000 job contract term limit for the young unemployed. However, many Greeks are skeptical that this move will succeed, because the Greeks are traditionally reserved regarding governmental measures to take. / Dw / Telegraph /

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