A variety of activities are organized yesterday in the framework of the International Day of Museums of Kosovo institutions. As one of the most pressing needs that emerged during the celebration of this day is to have a law for museums, which will greatly regulate the organization and better management of its exhibits. To discuss such a topic, MCYS organized a roundtable on "Care to movable heritage", where he talks about the role that museums in preserving and promoting cultural heritage, their condition and work to be done to fix this very important area for cultural promotion.
Combating illegal markets
Speaking at the table, the Minister of Culture, Meli Krasniqi said that the protection of heritage requires dedication and mentioned a number of challenges, which must face. He said that because of the legal vacuum, the challenge remains combating illegal markets phenomena artifacts, which according to Minister Krasniqi country is not staffed to combat this phenomenon. "The Kosovo Police has no police officer much less a division, department or office, which will deal with the prevention and combating of trafficking," said the minister, adding that it has already initiated discussions with senior officials the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Kosovo Police to find a way to create a foundation that can be transformed into an office that deals with fighting and preventing illegal trade in artifacts. He also said that is constantly engaged on the return of Kosovo Museum artifacts that are still in Belgrade. "Still missing over 1200 neologjike and archaeological artifacts, which the Serbian government took over in 1999 by the Museum of Kosovo, and that they should return, because they are very important part of the country," said Krasniqi.
Protection of heritage
Xhejlane Hoxha, executive director of the Kosovo Council for Cultural Heritage, said that institutions should quickly take steps to protect existing heritage and preventing trafficking in works of art and culture in Kosovo. According to her, the place is not recorded as a destination for art, but rather as a place of origin to destination markets. "The trafficking of works of art is happening in the absence of experts to combat this phenomenon. KCCH is working on a national action plan to analyze the case," said Hoxha among others. Also spoke experts and other officials, who stressed the importance of heritage conservation should be paid. As mentioned urgent need to adopt the law on museums. In addition to the table throughout the day in the capital are organized activities for the day, as the creation of a group of children from the SOS village to participate in an educational program to learn more about archeology and cultural heritage in general, and then donating exhibits giving awards, musical program, performance and visual art throughout the day along triangle Museum, Ethnological Museum and Archaeological Park.
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