Friday, May 24, 2013
Power Stone and Zodiac
Power Stone and Zodiac
Many civilizations have considered that the stone is a symbol of divine power ...
In prehistoric times the stone has served as a tool and as a weapon. Numerous myths teach us how some divine creatures born from stone. In the East, the stone marking the presence of the divine and his men bowed before the use of oil and blood. Thus, the stone altar is made.
The stone that fell from heaven is different from others and often associated with the divine, black, moon, femininity, or generally with motherhood. Such is the case with the black stone, which had worshiped in Pesinonci in Frigi as good dess great Cibelën. A similar black stone found inside the Kaaba in Mecca (remember that Islam is a religion with many significant lunar symbolism).
In Greek mythology, the stone is the greatest god of all the gods, Hronosin or Saturn, who lived with the fear that one of the children would evict him from the throne, as he had prophesied his father Uranus. For this reason he and his children immediately after birth, had eaten. However, his wife Rea, in order to save Zeus, had wrapped a stone in swaddling clothes and gave it to darkëzën his Hronosit. Remained legendary story: when Zeus was grown he had come to kill his father from the throne.
Precious stone or semi-precious has its role in the Zodiac. We start from diamond, pearl, which traditionally linked to the sign of the ram.
Diamond is the protector of those who are born under the sign of the ram. Diamond is precious stone shining white or blue hatch and is traditionally considered a symbol of purity and virginity. According to legend, protects the bearing on the left side of the body. Also believed that strengthens loyalty diamond two lovers, so here should seek the cause of why so often we found the engagement ring. Ancient Romans believed that the diamond brings luck warrior and therefore carried as a talisman. However, this precious stone has often brought disaster, especially those who are highly coveted.
If the diamond is a gift, or expressions of loyalty and love, never brings misfortune. Rams diamond brings luck, strength and protects from evil.
The best choice for the Rams is to jointly carry diamond and sapphire because of the beneficial action of two stones grow. Otherwise it is a pearl sapphire blue to hatch, which brings luck and love. Told how once when known treasure was stolen sapphire Turkey, he had lost the brightness and color! Most valuable sapphires are those with cerulean, but may also face purple, yellow, pink or blue. In ancient times, it was believed that protects the Wizards. In the Middle Ages used as a talisman for eye diseases.
Diamond as health care
Fomula: C (a form of crystallized carbon element)
Hardness: 10
Locations: South Africa, Arkansas, India, Brazil, Borneo, Australia
Color: Mainly colorless and translucent, but can also be dark blue, red, yellow, green and black with glitter
Diamond is the protector of the soul, helps clear thinking and independent.
There preventive action to heart disease, kidney, even in advanced stages of the disease. The Elixir dissolves kidney stones and tëmëlth.
Helps to disease stomach, intestines, bone disease then, the headaches, spinal cord problems, leukemia and stimulates glands. Used for rehabilitation, healing Bodies thin slit in the head and other organs. Will strain during various treatments and helps in giving up smoking.
Used as raw and processed. Given that it is rare and has a slightly higher price used in kristaloterapi.
This crystal needs no filling or emptying, because it is clean energy.
Zodiacal sign corresponds bull named smaragd pearl ...
Emerald is a symbol of wisdom and immortality. In ancient times belonged to attribute the "followers of storms" and the power to help release the captives. Its color green is the symbol of water, fertile rain (blue Smaragd devoted to Venus). It is said that in the spring, when everything turns green, he twice activity.
Emerald Medieval legends say that, in fact, comes from hell, from the crown of Luciferrit and that precisely this is able to defeat the demonic powers.
Today was recommended Emerald young children who suffer from restless sleep, to put under the tongue. In Christian symbolism Emerald represents "faith and hope".
This glittering pearl in green is also a symbol of kindness and constant truth of the fate of all bulls. Emerald processed and polished was so masterful returns power to the sight, and said that Nero used during wars gladiators in order to see better.
As modern rock, Emerald can be drilled at 57 and 58 Veneers.
Formula: Be3Al2Si6018, beryllium group
Hardness: 7.5 to 8
Locations: Brazil, Colombia, India, Russia, Pakistan, Australia
Color: green living, excellent GLASS
This stone, which since ancient times ascribed extraordinary powers, is the best aphrodisiac. Multiciplite helps sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, schizophrenia, paranoia, psychosis. Protects against infections, heart disease, anemitë, regulates printing. Elixir mainly used frequently and various inflammation, problems with the spinal cord, bones, muscles and reumën.
Psyche gives harmony and balance.
Given the price, not used much in kristaloterapi, however that is a stone with extraordinary strength. Used as raw and processed.
Once a month should be cleaned under water flow, and, given the fact that the stone is strong enough to leave in contact with ruby, or mountain crystals in a container without water overnight, because they give strength young.
Protective stone of this sign is agati ...
It is a quality stone gjysmëmargaritarit, mystical values which have brought long life to those who have moved, especially twins. In ancient times it was believed that bring agati of eloquence (talent in the field of oratory) and protected from headaches. Also, it was believed to remove eye fatigue and protect from skin diseases.
In most cases it is oval and, as the ancient Romans believed, bring wealth. In order to enhance the strength of e agatit, gypsies and hrizofrazin carrying a stone's another chance for twins. Agatin should not virgins and never wore them fish.
There are two types of agatit: agati agati and covered with moss.
Formula: SiO2, flint
Hardness: 6,5-7
Locations: Brazil, Uruguay, USA, Mexico, Germany, Australia
Color: Different colors in tones of e-glare silk
Reduces pain, helps with problems with throat and airways. There is wide range of action. During pregnancy, the mother and child advocates, facilitates delivery. The psyche protects from depression.
Used mainly in the form of processed vjegcës, collars, earrings and stone in hand.
Emptied once a week under lukewarm water flow 3-5 minutes, while full sun 1-2 two hours.
Agati covered with moss
Formula: SiO2, flint
Hardness: 6.5 to 7
Locations: India, U.S., China, Brazil, South Africa
Color: blue with moss covered with milk stains, excellent color silk matt
Affects the pancreas and in the production of insulin, which regulates blood sugar, metabolism, filters kidneys, spleen. Increase resistance to viruses and fungi.
Operates relatively slowly, so it is recommended to open the mountain crystal.
Mostly used in processed form vjegcës and stone in hand.
Cleaned regularly with lukewarm water after use, and full sun or near a mountain crystal.
Ruby is one of the most precious jewels. At the time of linking the ancient Mars because of its red color. Hildegard of Bingeni (1098-1179) said that "air demons can not do their terrible deeds or stay in the same place where the ruby, ruby because of this quality has to give all diseases of the human body "...
Because of the color of his red ruby considered that removes melancholy and nightmares. In old books that can be read by sailors protects ruby anijethyerjet. Also, symbolizing the imperial mercy, love and carnal principle of vitality. In "Apocalypse" of St. John the Divine perfection compared with the "diamond" and ruby.
Ruby is a symbol of freedom, dignity and magical force. In addition, the protectors of freedom and liberty, he gives strength and love lost. The old thought that ruby does not allow submission to the challenges and mental health stabilizes.
It is believed that protects against rheumatism. Shine when the owner becomes ill, or when a disaster occurs.
Catherine of Aragon was warned to change its imperial position, relying on position change its color Rubin.
The most common examples come from the Far East (Mandelei, India) and are called "tears of Buddha".
Ruby is shining pearl, while its color varies from pink color to the dark red.
Formula:! L203, Carbonate
Durability: 9
Locations: Burma, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Brazil.
Almost no strength to blood magic, creating blood and blood vessels. Activates the liver, regulates blood sugar, strengthens the immune system, improves circulation, protects against anemia and leukemia, menstrual problems facilitates, regulates blood pressure. Elixir is a good aphrodisiac and increases physical strength.
Used processed and unprocessed.
Empty in running water twice a month, and after emptying should be put in the place where the sun takes about two hours for the purpose of filling.
Stone lions defense is Sardoniksi ...
This beautiful gem quality gjysmëmargaritarit and red-bromit protects courage, virtue and strength. Is patron of marriage, while the bride who will transfer on the day of marriage, it was believed that there would be a happy marriage. Also bring popularity, while believed to protect from blindness and insect sting. The Romans also used brooch.
The formula SiO2, flint
Hardness: 6.5 to 7
Locations: Brazil, Uruguay, USA, Mexico
Through chains affects the nervous system. As vjegcë gland regulates, especially the defensive gland. Protects the throat, airways and lungs from infection. Cures jaundice, hepatitis, liver cirozën. Calms the heart.
Brings luck in the game of love.
Changing the white lines is indicative of liver illness.
Used only as stone or vjegcë hand.
Emptied every ten days with running water, and must often be left in the sun, because the sun only intensifying in full.
Hrizoliti is protective stone of this sign. It is a symbol of the fate of loyalty. In ancient times served to chase the spirits and to ensure deep sleep. When transferred during the day bring literary or poetic inspiration.
Opal Stone of Destiny is only for balances. However, it must be said that the ancient world was afraid of his curse. Instead, they called stone of hope. Gjysmëmargaritar feature of this stone is that shines though is not perforated. In the East a long time believed that the first and memory aids. In order to prove his power, saint touched his patients opalit stone.
Opal does not put in the box for jewelry or glasses, because that would lose brightness, beauty and his magnetic abilities.
Formula: SiO2 + H2O
Hardness: 5.5 to 6.5
Color: colorless translucent, white, black, blue, shiny passer in all other colors
There is a wide spectrum of action on the physical plane and the spiritual. Powerful acts in the stomach and digestive organs, glands activate, thartirën regulates blood cells and helps in cases of anemia and leukemia.
Strengthens optimism, spirituozitetin strengthens the strong influence of stress, removes depression, helps the psyche to find true love.
Used as raw and processed (hand stone, jewelery, vjegcë).
Should be emptied only lukewarm running water, while at night it is recommended that bottled water is held. Should avoid contact with perfume, toilet water, soap and thartirën. If the color changes should still go to the doctor for examination. In containers filled with crystal mountain.
Topaz is gjysmëmargaritari quality stone, which can be yellow, white, pink or any other color. Is patron of love, loyalty and success at work. In the Middle Ages topaz topaz in most cases was adorned with gold, transferred around the neck, because it was believed to protect from spells, insomnia, throat and tonsils injuries. In the East it was believed that with the help of beryl was possible to astral orders accepted. Archers can carry and others, but dangerous for fish and virgins.
Formula: AI2 (F2-SiO4)
Durability: 8
Locations: Brazil, USA, Russia, Sri Lanka, Australia, Afghanistan.
Turquoise, blue gjysmëmargaritar wonderful planet Jupiter symbolizes the West (green) or Venerën (in blue). Its name is derived from the east (Turkey). Turks, as well rider have considered their charm, because they believed that keeps horses and their riders on long journeys. Considered that the rulers kept from bad influences. In Mexico turquoise stone was prized as extraordinary (the Aztec language-xihuitl) was just above Zadi, mainly coming in royal tiara. Fire And their Lord called "Lord of turquoise" (Xiuhtecutli). Turquoise blue symbolized the unity of celestial fire (sun) and the ground.
Same to you. believed to protect from jealousy and witchcraft. It is interesting that turquoise does not look nice at all the people: to lose some brightness and color. It was said that turquoise, by changing the color, it can poison the bears. Looks best when it is adorned with gold.
Separately brings luck bulls, but no sign is particularly unfortunate. His power is transmitted strengthened if the sapphire.
Formula: CuAl6 ((PO4) 4 (OH) 8.5H2O, phosphate
Hardness: 5-6
Locations: United States, Afghanistan, China, Israel, Iran, Mexico, Burma, Russia.
Helps to diseases of the throat and respiratory tract. The immunity strengthens and creates harmony in the work of bodies, strengthens the glands and blood circulation, nourishes muscles and nerves of the bears able elastic. Protects teeth and jaw decay and paradentoza. Impotence cures. Psyche gives strength and security.
Used as raw and processed. Ornament, hand stone, vejgca are the most common forms in which used. Elixir is used when you want to quickly strengthen the body and to restore his strength.
Cleaned once a month in the dry basin of hematitit gurthit. In case of change of color should be cleaned, emptied immediately. Fills in the presence of mountain crystal and copper nugetëve. Not be exposed to the sun, because turquoise is sensitive to heat and acid soap. Silver pretty much character helps the turquoise healed.
For this particular sign is lucky stone called Garnet. Gjysmëmargaritarin it comes to red in the dark. It is a symbol of fidelity and quality of goat which specifically evaluate. Romans, Greeks and Egyptians have ruler precious stone, a stone that brings, strength, power and loyalty. Garnets are believed to protect the general state of human health and especially that it allows the decline in melancholy and depression. Expressed his magical qualities in him that his owner, by changing the color, can warn of trouble following. It is fortunate for amphibians, but not for bulls and scorpions.
Formula: Fe3All22 (SiO4) 3, silicate
Hardness: 7 to 7.5
Locations: Austria, Brazil, Czech Republic, India, Madagascar, Canada, South Africa
It is one of the most important healing crystals. E strengthens the heart, heart rate and blood pressure, strengthens blood circulation, stimulates the production of white blood cells. Protects against anemia and leukemia, operates sexual organs (aphrodisiac), strengthens bones, helps to arthritis and rheumatic. Psyche affects us as defenders of true friendship.
Used as the crude and processed in the form of garnish, vjegcës and tartar on hand.
Emptied regularly (3-4 times per month) under lukewarm running water, then exposed to the sun, but only for a short time.
If you change the color of the stone must be emptied only when the reason for the change set. For example, causing problems with partner almost black color, which turns on the normal color in the color red or brown, only when pulled problems that caused the change of color.
Amethyst, gjysmëmargaritar very demanding, wonderful pink color, and sometimes with blue, a symbol of modesty and cleaner spirit. Since ancient times and almost to this day considered to protect the wine (in Greek: a-methysios means "not drunk"). Some Merike Edward wrote in 1853 in his book "History of Beauty" that removes mamurllëkun amethyst, so lord who had drunk very quickly become completely sober, so many of them, whether clergy, whether ordinary people have a tradition to carry ring with precious stones. Ancient Greeks believed that he who bears can not be drunk!
With thousands of years is transferred to the bishop's ring ornaments and decorations generally high personalities.
Traditionally, amethyst is the gem lovers. If put on silk protects from headache.
Also considered that protects against poisoning and witchcraft.
Respond to all signs without exception.
Formula: SiO2, flint
Hardness: 7
Locations: Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, Namibia, Zambia
Since antiquity is known as the stone that helps headaches and migraines. The very qualities described. Also helps menstrual problems, reinforces memory, regulating blood pressure and is good against obesity. Heart and calms the nerves, protects against witchcraft and evil forces, evil thoughts turns into optimism. Possesses pleasant impulses to life satisfaction and friendship, as well as the ability to solve problems prophesying. The meditations offers the highest degree of tranquility, warmth and harmony.
So I used different crude and refined, while simultaneously making it elixir.
In 2 cup of decilitrash put an elaborate piece of amethyst. Allow to stand overnight and drink in the morning. Elixir has shown good results in the regulation of defecation. Improves hair growth and cleans the skin. Every 15-20 days under running water discharged about 3-5 minutes.
Not be filled (intensifying) in the sun.
Fish, such as water mark, akuamarini answers. This pearl has excellent name from two Latin words: sea water and, because of its color to blue-green color reminiscent of the sea.
Akuamarini believed to bring harmony and happiness in marriage, so this is a good choice as engagement ring. It's lucky for scorpion. It is also good for Aquarius, but they are lions that should be avoided.
Formula: Al2Be3 (Si6O18), silicate
Hardness: 7.5 to 8
Locations: Brazil, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, India, Mozambique, Nigeria, Madagascar.
Specifically affects the airways, for example to asthma, bronchitis, lung disease, colds, allergies. Seniliteti and protects against calcification of the arteries. The decreases depression, strengthens awareness.
In the marriage of love and loyalty deepens.
Used raw and processed (necklace, link, vjegca, stone hand.
Discharged under lukewarm running water, and filled in the sun. / Telegraph /
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