Sunday, May 26, 2013

Makes five accidents within a minute (Video)

Security cameras at a crossroads Recorded Actions in China have probably the worst drivers in the world.
Driving motorcycle historians, the protagonist of the shooting, initially hit a van, a car crack, crack a motorcycle, truck Collide with a powerful and ends in a Ditch Beside the road.

It is not known what happened, but it is Certain That it Will not drive the motorcycle for a long time ... / Telegraph /

Google begins offering wireless internet around the world

Google Fiber is the new project from Google that the company turns Internet service provider, and to date, the U.S. technology giant has brought the fastest Internet in certain American cities, for a very low price.
Besides plans to zjeruar its network of optical fiber in other parts of the country, Google is also supposed to start offering wireless internet in certain international markets.

Google's goal is to provide its Internet for people who live in more rural areas, such as those in Southeast Asia, or others Saharan Africa.

But this is not all. This is because the large cities will be equipped with wireless Internet Google, primarily those who have their fiber network.

Currently, Google is negotiating with South African regulators to overcome the limitations of having the possibility of investing in the necessary equipment which will provide service to people. / Telegraph /

Foods that should avoid the consumption of excess

Foodborne hazards are numerous, but unfortunately, in most cases resolved without major complications.
At our table were filled with foods that we should devote more attention to their consumption, to have a healthy life.
Canned tomato sauce is known as the best source for likopene, an essential nutrient, but beware when canned. All canned foods contain harmful chemicals like BPA, but it is particularly acute in tomatoes.
Review calories to get to the sandwich. Salami, ham, roast beef and other foods are of poor quality, filled with sodium, made from animals saturated with hormones and antibiotics, filled with nitrates. They may also contain chemical flavoring and color.
Unlike butter, which is made ​​from animal products, margarine is created from vegetable oil. Its manufacturing process increases inflammation damaging your cells of blood vessels, increased risk for cardiovascular disease, cancer, degenerative diseases, weight gain, and increases bad cholesterol.
Artificial sugar are so sweet-sometimes 200 times more than table sugar that the brain begins to crave sweet foods. Researches say that they cause cancer and neurological programs, but science has confirmed that they promote weight gain and serve to increase appetite. / Telegraph /

Women with tattoo on 'light' that at the first meeting

Women with tattoos are seen as 'light' and men will approach them much faster than other girls, talk to them first ... and then to have sex.
No one can be indifferent to the tattoo of a woman. When you have tattoo that is seen as more available ... While young women with tattoos assessed as more attractive and more loose ...

The French team from the Université de Bretagne-Sud youth surveyed beaches in Brittany and found that attractive women had tattoos, while they were sunbathing 50% of the time. If you are a woman with a tattoo you're more likely to sleep with men on the first date of recognition, says a French professor. You supervise them as more attractive and more accessible.

Not infrequently, women with tattoos prejudiced women being labeled as immoral, not feminist, tough, not worth.

For some other women a tattoo is a good way for them to cling to memories of the past, or to show love and support for people near and dear ones. / telegraph /

Rita Ora: I'm in love

Albanian star, Rita Ora, has publicly acknowledged that it is in love with renowned producer, Calvin Harris.
Has long been speculated that Rita and Calvin might be related. They are often seen together in various festivals in London, raising even more speculation about a possible link to them.

And what is broken Rita 'ice' and admitting that speculation is love.

Rita revealed a new song yesterday which has thematic as division by Rob Kardashian, titled "Out Of Love", and has used exactly the Albanian beauty to accept that love is.

"This song is called" Without Love ", ie not in love, even though I'm in love," said Rita. / Telegraph /

Stavileci: You will see all what Pristina will do

President of basketball club Sigal Prishtina, Blerand Stavileci on his Facebook profile has released a message in which it pledges to do everything to strengthen his team in order to worthily represent Kosovo as the Balkan League.
The following is a statement of Blerandit deliver them without making any changes:

"The message of sincerity and work

Dear friends, but you opponents honored to have the opportunity to read this letter,

But I'm glad that Kosovo basketball again brought to where it was years ago, and even more in some aspects. Pristina and clods were precisely those who long ago brought innovations to basketball before Kosovo, which was forwarded innovation by almost all clubs and then tifozeritë of Kosovo and is followed even today.

Participation in shingle League was our main target and we were there. This responsibility we take very great responsibility, because in this contest will represent both Pristina and Kosovo. I am convinced that we will be one of the teams prepared, more organized and more serious in that league. Reorganization and development of the school's basketball was another objective, to which we were not able to fokusemi as like, but from now on will be our primary focus. Even the title of the cup were our goals and behold, we won one and lost the other. None do not like losing, but it is part of the game. We do not have trophies complex, such as have most (not all clubs have trophies together than we do) face the loss easier. Even here I do not want to blame others or deny them the merits of others, but those who appreciate and objectively analyze honestly know what challenges have gone through, what difficulties we faced and how wrong we had dashakëqinj . Despite all these did the impossible possible. Almost five players we won a trophy. And, again, the uniqueness of this victory was no trophy, but it was also a great victory and an absolute record of sporting events in Kosovo, 1500 lumpy trip outside Pristina, who donated us one of the most unforgettable emotions our lives, so I think that even this precious trophy belongs to them.

The end of this edition was characterized by much controversy and escort significantly greater media, which are real indicators of how much increased interest in basketball in Kosovo. Unfortunately there are many things we do not like, but which can not surpass the work, tradition and our history. Despite criticism, accusations and ultimatums that turned our club, it was also a time we are all one and no one can divide us, because we know to protect the interests bardhekaltërt. And manfully admit defeat, but do not accept injustice, not close our eyes and mouth before bad occurrences. There were many different interpretations to classical banalization, but we had, have and will have only one major goal and noble: bardhekaltërt interest.

Even a few words to me. At all times, especially in recent days have attacked many sporting opponents and, above all, as always, blind political opponents. They have only a fake card use by more politically charged. Once again he knew all about them many years before I was minister I was player, captain and director of Pristina. Here I mention only one of many to have evidence that in 1994 I played the first game for the senior team in Pristina, so when I was 14. These opponents to attack me in sport policy in politics to sport, do honor me, because motivate me even more to work. If yesterday I worked 24 hours, leaving aside even my beloved, especially my daughter 18 months, from now on I will work 48 hours a day. There will never stop. Our dream will not stop anyone. I want my city and vital part of youth to offer what we did not. To offer all mburrjeje moments of pride as those yesterdays with the Majlinda Xherdanin. This we can do with basketball. And we do! As always, work, honesty, accountability and honesty. You will see all what Pristina strong will to make the Balkan League. We want to support our fans yet maximally developed without first game in this league given exam. Do not forget that this league representatives also gave us the lumpy us note 10 to the organization.

Finally, I want to thank the players KB "Sigal Prishtina", technical staff, board, volunteers and all no doubt all our sponsors who have supported us and pleased with what he offered gave us a commitment to further support . I praise the heart of the crowd made better, larger and more organized in Kosovo, lumpy, who this year showed how the heart when the team wins and how the team loses heart. Henceforth, all of us, together, have the opportunity to prove ourselves even abroad.

In politics, outside of politics, anywhere, anytime, always after you, Pristina lovers! With work, honesty, accountability and honesty.

Blerand Stavileci (former basketball Pristina KB) ". / Telegraph /

Interest in seasonal employment

The authorities in Pristina have completed preparations for seasonal employment with the state of Germany, after Kosovo since 2004, has carried out only with the state for seasonal employment agreement.
Hafiz Leka, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, writes that by the end of June, about 118 students will travel to Germany for seasonal employment.

According to him, there are large numbers of students who are interested in this project, but German authorities criteria are difficult to implement. Since the implementation of this project benefited 1600 students.

"This year about 300 students applied, 118 were selected for their students, because the criteria are very strict. The student should have the status of a university student, whether private or public, should know the German language, the student must not have a criminal record or any other folder that has fallen against German laws, but we have not had such cases . So far we have not had any incidents during the development of this program with the Government, "writes Alexander.

The student Amir Latifi said that after completion of this academic year, will willingly go to any European Union country to work until October.

"If Kosovo is no agreement as in previous years, as they say in the '80s, seasonal employment, would willingly go. Under the deal I had worked, I gained some material and I will return to Kosovo, "says Amir.

Even experts consider economic issues is welcome seasonal employment for all able-bodied residents.

Naim Gashi said that Kosovo is not gaining from seasonal employment to provide the European Union, especially in the agricultural sector.

"Countries like Spain, Italy, France and other countries, employing millions of seasonal workers within a year. I think that the creation of the possibility of lifting the visa, Kosovars will have an easier access to the markets of seasonal employment in the European Union and it will somehow alleviate the impact of high levels of unemployment that exists in Kosovo, "said Gashi.

Kosovo authorities, in addition to Germany, did not reach any agreement with any of the new EU countries for seasonal employment for citizens.

Achieving such agreements, it is difficult process, says Hafiz Leka, because Kosovo is not a member of the EU.

"It's a step, even though I have transnational barriers, because Kosovo is not recognized by all member states of the EU. Kosovo has not yet signed an agreement for cooperation in terms of flexibility of the labor force in Europe. But for now, I can say that we have made a modest step, little in this direction, "says Alexander.

Besides presenting obstacle in this regard Kosovo from joining the European Union, Naim Gashi expert considers that Kosovo institutions should engage more in the process.

"Especially, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, should increase its efforts to negotiate not only with the governments of member states, but also utilizing diplomatic missions, ambasadate European Union countries and other countries in Kosovo, to increase the number of seasonal employment, which reduces the level of poverty and increase the standard of living of the citizens of Kosovo, "Gashi estimates for Radio Free Europe.

According to the census, the population, showing the unemployment figures, said that of 508 100 inhabitants who are able to work, 44.9 percent are unemployed. / Telegraph /

Implications of OSCE election, violations of the Constitution

Implications of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) for municipal elections in northern Kosovo, which provided in paragraph 11 of the agreement of 19 April in Brussels between Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, and Serbia, Ivica Dacic, in any form other than as observers, would be contrary to the laws and Constitution of Kosovo, experts estimate constitutional legal issues.
In paragraph 11 of the agreement states that "the municipal elections in the northern municipalities will be organized in 2013, with the assistance of the OSCE, in accordance with Kosovo law and international standards".

Professor Riza Smaka, constitutional law expert, estimates that the implication in this case the OSCE, should not be in the role of facilitator of the elections in the north.

"In this case, to be realized elections, at least in the manner prescribed by law for elections, should the OSCE in order to be sincere, meaningful, dedicated and loyal to the Government of the Republic of Kosovo "Smaka estimates, RFE broadcasts.

Professor Mazllum Baraliu also international law expert, said the election law and the Constitution of Kosovo clearly specify the powers to organize elections in the country of Kosovo institutions and, above all, the Central Election Commission. Any outside intervention specify what law, he says, can not be considered legal.

The law does not provide any form of intervention, in addition to international monitoring is based on international standards.

"The law does not provide any form of intervention, in addition to international monitoring and is based on international standards. Meaning, election observation, but not interference. Any type of interference mitigation is actually powers or insight into our institutions. "

"Therefore, if it happened, on one side is a violation and interference with constitutional and legal provisions and on the other hand, is distrust in the institutional structures of the competent authorities of the Republic of Kosovo. Has no right to the OSCE and the bodies to be believed Our "says Baraliu.

Even Smaka professor estimates that the organization of local elections in the north and generally in place or any type of interference, whether or relief assistance from the OSCE, would conflict with the Constitution of the country, but, according to him, the current specifications in north are different from the rest of the country.

However, that would not be in conformity, in harmony and consistency with the Constitution.

"However, that would not be in conformity, in harmony and consistency with the Constitution. However, in the context of forces on the ground, the force ratio, the capacity of public authorities sovereignty of our country means, such concessions would be opportunistic, acceptable to the situation, to make a slightly larger work, means a step further, because I doubt that our authorities will be able to do this job, "said Smaka.

But Professor Baraliu the eventual involvement of the OSCE in organizing or facilitating municipal elections in northern Kosovo, could whoever disputed by citizens.

"You can contest for any reason to think that there is a breach and in fact, such violations as may be interpreted and may be subject to treatment in the Constitutional Court and the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. This is because it is a violation of human rights of our citizens not to be managed by their institutions, which have made themselves, of their choice through their representatives, and their Constitution which have bring the citizens of Kosovo ", emphasizes Baraliu.

Otherwise, Baraliu professor adds that parties and party structures that are, as he says, a subsidiary of the parent party in Serbia, should necessarily, according to the Kosovo Constitution and laws, to enter the Central Election Commission, the Registry and certification of political entities, such as political parties operating in the Republic of Kosovo, under its laws, and in the spirit of the Constitution and within the country. / Telegraph /

Friday, May 24, 2013

Power Stone and Zodiac

Power Stone and Zodiac

Many civilizations have considered that the stone is a symbol of divine power ...

In prehistoric times the stone has served as a tool and as a weapon. Numerous myths teach us how some divine creatures born from stone. In the East, the stone marking the presence of the divine and his men bowed before the use of oil and blood. Thus, the stone altar is made.

The stone that fell from heaven is different from others and often associated with the divine, black, moon, femininity, or generally with motherhood. Such is the case with the black stone, which had worshiped in Pesinonci in Frigi as good dess great Cibelën. A similar black stone found inside the Kaaba in Mecca (remember that Islam is a religion with many significant lunar symbolism).

In Greek mythology, the stone is the greatest god of all the gods, Hronosin or Saturn, who lived with the fear that one of the children would evict him from the throne, as he had prophesied his father Uranus. For this reason he and his children immediately after birth, had eaten. However, his wife Rea, in order to save Zeus, had wrapped a stone in swaddling clothes and gave it to darkëzën his Hronosit. Remained legendary story: when Zeus was grown he had come to kill his father from the throne.

Precious stone or semi-precious has its role in the Zodiac. We start from diamond, pearl, which traditionally linked to the sign of the ram.

Diamond is the protector of those who are born under the sign of the ram. Diamond is precious stone shining white or blue hatch and is traditionally considered a symbol of purity and virginity. According to legend, protects the bearing on the left side of the body. Also believed that strengthens loyalty diamond two lovers, so here should seek the cause of why so often we found the engagement ring. Ancient Romans believed that the diamond brings luck warrior and therefore carried as a talisman. However, this precious stone has often brought disaster, especially those who are highly coveted.

If the diamond is a gift, or expressions of loyalty and love, never brings misfortune. Rams diamond brings luck, strength and protects from evil.

The best choice for the Rams is to jointly carry diamond and sapphire because of the beneficial action of two stones grow. Otherwise it is a pearl sapphire blue to hatch, which brings luck and love. Told how once when known treasure was stolen sapphire Turkey, he had lost the brightness and color! Most valuable sapphires are those with cerulean, but may also face purple, yellow, pink or blue. In ancient times, it was believed that protects the Wizards. In the Middle Ages used as a talisman for eye diseases.

Diamond as health care

Fomula: C (a form of crystallized carbon element)
Hardness: 10
Locations: South Africa, Arkansas, India, Brazil, Borneo, Australia
Color: Mainly colorless and translucent, but can also be dark blue, red, yellow, green and black with glitter

Diamond is the protector of the soul, helps clear thinking and independent.

There preventive action to heart disease, kidney, even in advanced stages of the disease. The Elixir dissolves kidney stones and tëmëlth.

Helps to disease stomach, intestines, bone disease then, the headaches, spinal cord problems, leukemia and stimulates glands. Used for rehabilitation, healing Bodies thin slit in the head and other organs. Will strain during various treatments and helps in giving up smoking.

Used as raw and processed. Given that it is rare and has a slightly higher price used in kristaloterapi.

This crystal needs no filling or emptying, because it is clean energy.

Zodiacal sign corresponds bull named smaragd pearl ...

Emerald is a symbol of wisdom and immortality. In ancient times belonged to attribute the "followers of storms" and the power to help release the captives. Its color green is the symbol of water, fertile rain (blue Smaragd devoted to Venus). It is said that in the spring, when everything turns green, he twice activity.

Emerald Medieval legends say that, in fact, comes from hell, from the crown of Luciferrit and that precisely this is able to defeat the demonic powers.

Today was recommended Emerald young children who suffer from restless sleep, to put under the tongue. In Christian symbolism Emerald represents "faith and hope".

This glittering pearl in green is also a symbol of kindness and constant truth of the fate of all bulls. Emerald processed and polished was so masterful returns power to the sight, and said that Nero used during wars gladiators in order to see better.

As modern rock, Emerald can be drilled at 57 and 58 Veneers.

Formula: Be3Al2Si6018, beryllium group
Hardness: 7.5 to 8
Locations: Brazil, Colombia, India, Russia, Pakistan, Australia
Color: green living, excellent GLASS

This stone, which since ancient times ascribed extraordinary powers, is the best aphrodisiac. Multiciplite helps sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, schizophrenia, paranoia, psychosis. Protects against infections, heart disease, anemitë, regulates printing. Elixir mainly used frequently and various inflammation, problems with the spinal cord, bones, muscles and reumën.

Psyche gives harmony and balance.

Given the price, not used much in kristaloterapi, however that is a stone with extraordinary strength. Used as raw and processed.

Once a month should be cleaned under water flow, and, given the fact that the stone is strong enough to leave in contact with ruby, or mountain crystals in a container without water overnight, because they give strength young.

Protective stone of this sign is agati ...

It is a quality stone gjysmëmargaritarit, mystical values ​​which have brought long life to those who have moved, especially twins. In ancient times it was believed that bring agati of eloquence (talent in the field of oratory) and protected from headaches. Also, it was believed to remove eye fatigue and protect from skin diseases.

In most cases it is oval and, as the ancient Romans believed, bring wealth. In order to enhance the strength of e agatit, gypsies and hrizofrazin carrying a stone's another chance for twins. Agatin should not virgins and never wore them fish.

There are two types of agatit: agati agati and covered with moss.

Formula: SiO2, flint
Hardness: 6,5-7
Locations: Brazil, Uruguay, USA, Mexico, Germany, Australia
Color: Different colors in tones of e-glare silk

Reduces pain, helps with problems with throat and airways. There is wide range of action. During pregnancy, the mother and child advocates, facilitates delivery. The psyche protects from depression.

Used mainly in the form of processed vjegcës, collars, earrings and stone in hand.

Emptied once a week under lukewarm water flow 3-5 minutes, while full sun 1-2 two hours.

Agati covered with moss

Formula: SiO2, flint
Hardness: 6.5 to 7
Locations: India, U.S., China, Brazil, South Africa
Color: blue with moss covered with milk stains, excellent color silk matt

Affects the pancreas and in the production of insulin, which regulates blood sugar, metabolism, filters kidneys, spleen. Increase resistance to viruses and fungi.

Operates relatively slowly, so it is recommended to open the mountain crystal.

Mostly used in processed form vjegcës and stone in hand.

Cleaned regularly with lukewarm water after use, and full sun or near a mountain crystal.

Ruby is one of the most precious jewels. At the time of linking the ancient Mars because of its red color. Hildegard of Bingeni (1098-1179) said that "air demons can not do their terrible deeds or stay in the same place where the ruby, ruby ​​because of this quality has to give all diseases of the human body "...

Because of the color of his red ruby ​​considered that removes melancholy and nightmares. In old books that can be read by sailors protects ruby ​​anijethyerjet. Also, symbolizing the imperial mercy, love and carnal principle of vitality. In "Apocalypse" of St. John the Divine perfection compared with the "diamond" and ruby.

Ruby is a symbol of freedom, dignity and magical force. In addition, the protectors of freedom and liberty, he gives strength and love lost. The old thought that ruby ​​does not allow submission to the challenges and mental health stabilizes.

It is believed that protects against rheumatism. Shine when the owner becomes ill, or when a disaster occurs.

Catherine of Aragon was warned to change its imperial position, relying on position change its color Rubin.

The most common examples come from the Far East (Mandelei, India) and are called "tears of Buddha".

Ruby is shining pearl, while its color varies from pink color to the dark red.


Formula:! L203, Carbonate
Durability: 9
Locations: Burma, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Brazil.

Almost no strength to blood magic, creating blood and blood vessels. Activates the liver, regulates blood sugar, strengthens the immune system, improves circulation, protects against anemia and leukemia, menstrual problems facilitates, regulates blood pressure. Elixir is a good aphrodisiac and increases physical strength.

Used processed and unprocessed.

Empty in running water twice a month, and after emptying should be put in the place where the sun takes about two hours for the purpose of filling.

Stone lions defense is Sardoniksi ...

This beautiful gem quality gjysmëmargaritarit and red-bromit protects courage, virtue and strength. Is patron of marriage, while the bride who will transfer on the day of marriage, it was believed that there would be a happy marriage. Also bring popularity, while believed to protect from blindness and insect sting. The Romans also used brooch.


The formula SiO2, flint
Hardness: 6.5 to 7
Locations: Brazil, Uruguay, USA, Mexico

Through chains affects the nervous system. As vjegcë gland regulates, especially the defensive gland. Protects the throat, airways and lungs from infection. Cures jaundice, hepatitis, liver cirozën. Calms the heart.

Brings luck in the game of love.

Changing the white lines is indicative of liver illness.

Used only as stone or vjegcë hand.

Emptied every ten days with running water, and must often be left in the sun, because the sun only intensifying in full.

Hrizoliti is protective stone of this sign. It is a symbol of the fate of loyalty. In ancient times served to chase the spirits and to ensure deep sleep. When transferred during the day bring literary or poetic inspiration.

Opal Stone of Destiny is only for balances. However, it must be said that the ancient world was afraid of his curse. Instead, they called stone of hope. Gjysmëmargaritar feature of this stone is that shines though is not perforated. In the East a long time believed that the first and memory aids. In order to prove his power, saint touched his patients opalit stone.

Opal does not put in the box for jewelry or glasses, because that would lose brightness, beauty and his magnetic abilities.

Formula: SiO2 + H2O
Hardness: 5.5 to 6.5
Color: colorless translucent, white, black, blue, shiny passer in all other colors

There is a wide spectrum of action on the physical plane and the spiritual. Powerful acts in the stomach and digestive organs, glands activate, thartirën regulates blood cells and helps in cases of anemia and leukemia.

Strengthens optimism, spirituozitetin strengthens the strong influence of stress, removes depression, helps the psyche to find true love.

Used as raw and processed (hand stone, jewelery, vjegcë).

Should be emptied only lukewarm running water, while at night it is recommended that bottled water is held. Should avoid contact with perfume, toilet water, soap and thartirën. If the color changes should still go to the doctor for examination. In containers filled with crystal mountain.

Topaz is gjysmëmargaritari quality stone, which can be yellow, white, pink or any other color. Is patron of love, loyalty and success at work. In the Middle Ages topaz topaz in most cases was adorned with gold, transferred around the neck, because it was believed to protect from spells, insomnia, throat and tonsils injuries. In the East it was believed that with the help of beryl was possible to astral orders accepted. Archers can carry and others, but dangerous for fish and virgins.

Formula: AI2 (F2-SiO4)
Durability: 8
Locations: Brazil, USA, Russia, Sri Lanka, Australia, Afghanistan.

Turquoise, blue gjysmëmargaritar wonderful planet Jupiter symbolizes the West (green) or Venerën (in blue). Its name is derived from the east (Turkey). Turks, as well rider have considered their charm, because they believed that keeps horses and their riders on long journeys. Considered that the rulers kept from bad influences. In Mexico turquoise stone was prized as extraordinary (the Aztec language-xihuitl) was just above Zadi, mainly coming in royal tiara. Fire And their Lord called "Lord of turquoise" (Xiuhtecutli). Turquoise blue symbolized the unity of celestial fire (sun) and the ground.

Same to you. believed to protect from jealousy and witchcraft. It is interesting that turquoise does not look nice at all the people: to lose some brightness and color. It was said that turquoise, by changing the color, it can poison the bears. Looks best when it is adorned with gold.

Separately brings luck bulls, but no sign is particularly unfortunate. His power is transmitted strengthened if the sapphire.

Formula: CuAl6 ((PO4) 4 (OH) 8.5H2O, phosphate
Hardness: 5-6
Locations: United States, Afghanistan, China, Israel, Iran, Mexico, Burma, Russia.

Helps to diseases of the throat and respiratory tract. The immunity strengthens and creates harmony in the work of bodies, strengthens the glands and blood circulation, nourishes muscles and nerves of the bears able elastic. Protects teeth and jaw decay and paradentoza. Impotence cures. Psyche gives strength and security.

Used as raw and processed. Ornament, hand stone, vejgca are the most common forms in which used. Elixir is used when you want to quickly strengthen the body and to restore his strength.

Cleaned once a month in the dry basin of hematitit gurthit. In case of change of color should be cleaned, emptied immediately. Fills in the presence of mountain crystal and copper nugetëve. Not be exposed to the sun, because turquoise is sensitive to heat and acid soap. Silver pretty much character helps the turquoise healed.

For this particular sign is lucky stone called Garnet. Gjysmëmargaritarin it comes to red in the dark. It is a symbol of fidelity and quality of goat which specifically evaluate. Romans, Greeks and Egyptians have ruler precious stone, a stone that brings, strength, power and loyalty. Garnets are believed to protect the general state of human health and especially that it allows the decline in melancholy and depression. Expressed his magical qualities in him that his owner, by changing the color, can warn of trouble following. It is fortunate for amphibians, but not for bulls and scorpions.

Formula: Fe3All22 (SiO4) 3, silicate
Hardness: 7 to 7.5
Locations: Austria, Brazil, Czech Republic, India, Madagascar, Canada, South Africa

It is one of the most important healing crystals. E strengthens the heart, heart rate and blood pressure, strengthens blood circulation, stimulates the production of white blood cells. Protects against anemia and leukemia, operates sexual organs (aphrodisiac), strengthens bones, helps to arthritis and rheumatic. Psyche affects us as defenders of true friendship.

Used as the crude and processed in the form of garnish, vjegcës and tartar on hand.

Emptied regularly (3-4 times per month) under lukewarm running water, then exposed to the sun, but only for a short time.

If you change the color of the stone must be emptied only when the reason for the change set. For example, causing problems with partner almost black color, which turns on the normal color in the color red or brown, only when pulled problems that caused the change of color.

Amethyst, gjysmëmargaritar very demanding, wonderful pink color, and sometimes with blue, a symbol of modesty and cleaner spirit. Since ancient times and almost to this day considered to protect the wine (in Greek: a-methysios means "not drunk"). Some Merike Edward wrote in 1853 in his book "History of Beauty" that removes mamurllëkun amethyst, so lord who had drunk very quickly become completely sober, so many of them, whether clergy, whether ordinary people have a tradition to carry ring with precious stones. Ancient Greeks believed that he who bears can not be drunk!

With thousands of years is transferred to the bishop's ring ornaments and decorations generally high personalities.

Traditionally, amethyst is the gem lovers. If put on silk protects from headache.

Also considered that protects against poisoning and witchcraft.

Respond to all signs without exception.


Formula: SiO2, flint
Hardness: 7
Locations: Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, Namibia, Zambia

Since antiquity is known as the stone that helps headaches and migraines. The very qualities described. Also helps menstrual problems, reinforces memory, regulating blood pressure and is good against obesity. Heart and calms the nerves, protects against witchcraft and evil forces, evil thoughts turns into optimism. Possesses pleasant impulses to life satisfaction and friendship, as well as the ability to solve problems prophesying. The meditations offers the highest degree of tranquility, warmth and harmony.

So I used different crude and refined, while simultaneously making it elixir.

In 2 cup of decilitrash put an elaborate piece of amethyst. Allow to stand overnight and drink in the morning. Elixir has shown good results in the regulation of defecation. Improves hair growth and cleans the skin. Every 15-20 days under running water discharged about 3-5 minutes.

Not be filled (intensifying) in the sun.

Fish, such as water mark, akuamarini answers. This pearl has excellent name from two Latin words: sea water and, because of its color to blue-green color reminiscent of the sea.

Akuamarini believed to bring harmony and happiness in marriage, so this is a good choice as engagement ring. It's lucky for scorpion. It is also good for Aquarius, but they are lions that should be avoided.


Formula: Al2Be3 (Si6O18), silicate
Hardness: 7.5 to 8
Locations: Brazil, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, India, Mozambique, Nigeria, Madagascar.

Specifically affects the airways, for example to asthma, bronchitis, lung disease, colds, allergies. Seniliteti and protects against calcification of the arteries. The decreases depression, strengthens awareness.

In the marriage of love and loyalty deepens.

Used raw and processed (necklace, link, vjegca, stone hand.

Discharged under lukewarm running water, and filled in the sun. / Telegraph /

Annual Horoscope 2013

Annual Horoscope 2013

Persons under the sign of Aries will have a successful year. Will excel in private business plan. Will enjoy good health and will be vital. This year will likely offer to reorganize their lives and to prioritize life.
Horoscope for 2013 provides for a very dynamic person sign of Aries. Feelings of failure will not feel even approximately. Will be temporary stages of loneliness, but this year also infuses needed to be drawn from this situation. Will provide support beloved people, but will react more sharply if someone hurts their feelings.

Are willing to sign the war like challenges and are born leaders. Mostly trust yourself and want to do everything themselves. They like to play the role of chief though not often. Praise for work well done are very important to them and provide energy for further progress. Are very vindictive, and socialize with people who pose no threat to them.

In early can feel an energy level drop. Nothing will be serious, just wait a while and will soon be offered the opportunity to return the lost power. From mid-April will be relaxed and in good humor. Just let your feelings show sincere heart and will do so for the person whom already own a long time I admire. It is a good time to finalize business deals. Will also participate in group activities. In order to avoid the traps, do so tactfully and diplomatically.

During this year will you need to be courageous, energetic, dynamic, enthusiastic and stubborn dreamer. Would have loved to have problems in the area of ​​love will often show signs of rebellion. The mind of a person always dreams sign of Aries and runs toward things that do not exist in reality. Throughout the year they will have the support of the planet Mars. Loved coming after category called "symbols of fire".

Career: In 2013 will finally be compensated for their ability and willingness to give yourselves innovative ideas. Are you successful in all stages of life. Yes achieve certain goals without great. If you already are a long wait finalization of a project, would you expect great results in the beginning of the year.
Be careful with your finances and try to avoid unnecessary costs. Will you need more immediate financial stability in life. Now is the time to act in this direction.

Partner: Jim is very romantic. It is possessive with the beloved and tends to become jealous. It is very expressive in love and do not ever hide feelings. I like spontaneity in the relationship.
At the beginning of your love relationship will not work so well. Many complex things can occur resulting in undesirable anxiety and distress. However, with time, things will turn in your favor. If you are about love or married, will face situations that will help you to strengthen existing ties. Do not do, but try to convince and win all your partner's attention. Remove all bad thoughts and try to narrow the gap between you and partner. Madly in love and sincerely, and pluck all the benefits of a true love in life.
If you are still alone, there are great chances to achieve a satisfactory bond.

Health: Your health will mostly depend on the emotional life. The general situation is closely linked to good relations with others. Your health will be associated with well-being and health of people around you, especially the close family circle. See more positive things in your life. Seek pleasure in life before you take irrevocable decisions.

Forecasts for 2013 can be described as a bag filled with happiness and disappointment. Besides creativity, which will be a priority for this year, the sign of Taurus people can expect to develop great ideas. Besides competitions Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto, will certainly make life pleasant.

Wait positive changes in the business plan. Unforeseen events and social confusion may be hindering your routine. Leisure and pleasure are best described in the stars, that would probably eliminate some obstacles. Will feel the need to do it from your heart says. Plans may change because of others. If you do not want to be part of the events in the private or in business, will know to fight for themselves. If it was not going to hand, will negatively affect your mood. There will suffer long as the new situation could easily adjust.

Events in the neighborhood can help in the realization of valuable contacts and knowledge of important people. Will have control over private life and business. Will achieve the perfect balance between pleasure and work.

Bulls are always persistent, loyal and organized. The greatest desire in career damage is to be your own boss. Hate change. As for anger, silenced know for a long time, but if exploded, it would be best to stay away from them.

Bulls want secrets, know best fit different nature. They tend to do everything yourself. They are powerful, and very practical to live on earth. During difficult moments, they stand and are indestructible. Are very sensitive to independence. All their character is built on the main features of bull. Individuals sign of Taurus this year under the aegis of Venus are known as the planet of love and creativity.

Careers: Creativity is your highest priority in the workplace. Under Jupiter impulses reach to new ideas which provide you and future prosperity. Gratitude in the workplace will come in early February. Trust the others around you when it comes to matters of finance. Lift issues and analyze end up upgrading the finest detail to have a better financial status. This does not mean that we should make more effort, but simply need to manage financial movements in a better way. Your creative spirit will help you to cope with any situation that is not good for this unexpected financial year. End of the year will bring you some idea that profit will improve your financial situation.

Partner: Those who seek true love will see you as an ideal partner. Meanwhile, others who are looking for fun people and superficial relationships, and many expect the unexpected. Your patience will be rewarded soon. Strained relations will improve.
Be sure to give your freedom right person wanting to express their feelings towards you. It seems that in this period will be like a magnet to attract the opposite sex towards you. An old love will suddenly come into your life. Good minds have to share if you want to stay with him or not. Be loyal loving person. For those who are single, this year seems to have a great opportunity to meet partners and share best mind in this regard.
Their feelings are easy to wake up and be recognized for their lust, are romantic, but also tend to be jealous and intolerant. Bulls like to përkëdhelen, known for loyalty and devotion. It can be very polite and show special care. Are reasonable and worthy of trust.

Health: Be quiet and allow peace to protect your health side. Share some mind to reduce the amount of eating. Do not ignore the influence of persons to positively affect you and make you more balanced.

It's time to enjoy the fruits of your efforts. You will have a better view on life. Besides the influence of Uranus and Mars, this year will be forced to focus on clarity of mind. New options help you even more to achieve your goals. Intense feelings of anxiety can create loads of privacy. Impact of Mercury could eliminate that problem and help you make a better life.

Twins are masters of disguise. Always impatient, impetuous need incentives to work. Not wishing to have more obligations and angry know if you try to do something against their will.

The deep feeling of success helps you raise your self-esteem. If you are not sure what will be the outcome of the meeting, well prepared. Creative inspiration guide you through all problematic situations. This will help you stay safe distance from negative energies and by the wicked.

Positive impacts of the universe, will find more pleasure and love in this year. Over time, efforts and also your loyalty will be rewarded. By mid-year, you are expected to create your project profitable. This year experimentation with new ideas you bring personal and business success. Meditation helps you to deprive yourself of material pleasures of the world and find the true meaning of your existence. People that do not contain themselves, especially women, will certainly slow your progress or will disrupt plans. Stubborn attitude can cause heated debate.

Binjakëtjanë people with the appropriate character and very variable. They change their situation, depending on the moment in which the person in front. People are communicative and good humor; make their partners to have fun.

Career: Impacts of the planets will slow down the tempo and bring you peace. In May will move from words to deeds, and the circle will support you. External environment will be more positive than you expected, so there will be opportunities to profit. Promote greater growth and career development will occur to those who are close to you, maybe the partners or associates.
From March until the end of June could occur revenue growth and productivity.

Partner: Gemini people are known as reliable and able to bring the best out of others, and therefore have mostly easy to maintain relationships. Gemini second half of the year will have to use to repair relations which have deteriorated in the first half of the year because of their addictions and vigorous language over.
Love life this year will be more intense. Unresolved issues from the past are becoming important. No matter what they think now, will definitely face some important issues in these twelve months. 'll Feel strong need to be accepted! Your emotional needs will emerge and will be more excitement than usual, but will have even more opportunities to recognize future partner. Frustrations of the past will not leave me alone, so you will be too impatient to fulfill all wishes. Definitely need to tell your partner that behavior must be changed in order to improve your relationship.
It is important to avoid situations that cause conflicts. Calm down and talk, because that would be better than raising tensions and strife!

Health: With all the problems they have, Gemini will have a relatively healthy year ahead. There is a small risk of potential problems with the digestive or nervous system. The risk of mental fatigue may occur in mid-year, but relaxation will provide the necessary balance!

According to forecasts, in 2013 the sign of Cancer persons will be good results in return for the past two years. Will advance in all walks of life, will do new things and enrich your knowledge. Under the influence of Pluto will significantly can set your mood nostalgic.
Keep your temper under control and not let petty things annoy you. At the beginning of the year to care for the health and performance. This year will have the opportunity to change your life in a positive sense. Use this!

Cancer is the most sensitive signs. Like security. Feel best when working from home in the comfort of their own strofullit. Opportunity for income or additional work will immediately recognize. When something does not suits, angry, mood change and people become more aggressive.

Under the influence of Pluto analyze every situation. On the other hand, under the influence of Jupiter will have clear picture on your ambitions. Venus rewards you with a satisfactory nature, but take care not to misuse the gift. The combined impact of Uranus and Jupiter does not have to be entirely on your own, or bring stressful situations in your life.

Your links will be found before a bend. It is always better to be safe on your emotions and not let loved ones or friends who decide your fate. Efforts to please others can dull your instincts. Will that is the situation when you have a hard time making decisions.
With greater flexibility, by June there will be no duty could not choose. Family relationships have a major role in those moments.

Individuals belonging to this sign are considered to be born below the waterline. The characteristics of this sign make them often to be loved, emotional, intuitive, imaginative, causing difficult situations and good at the same time. Will not want to leave anything to go to waste and will seek to take everything this year. They are born to be hanged. During 2013 will not have to suffer less from the complexes.

Career: In the workplace will make great efforts. The combined impact of Mars and Pluto offers the necessary support and improves intellectual creativity and mental activity. It is time to evaluate personal skills. And also need to work hard to overcome your limits. Some problems may be experienced when it comes to relationships with managers or colleagues. Treat these problems calmly and skillfully. Your aspirations are likely to be achieved and will have great advantages in the workplace. Long-term projects will also be positive steps for this period.

Partner: In addition to the idealized trend, this year you have the opportunity to realize your dreams love. Will not have the patience to do "games". Respect the needs of the person wanting to be independent, because it will not get to impose your will, especially during the first three months of the year. Saturn to you awakens fear of abandonment, which has its roots in the distant past. There is time for radical transformations. A perfect harmony is on the horizon and you will not face any embarrassing situation as regard to your relationship. Need more intimacy and romance in your relationship, in order to reach your partner get.
Crabs in love are very emotional, however, hide the true feelings behind a cool image. They are very romantic and their love is too strong.
Cancer is not filled with love and never requires always more.

Health: Jupiter and Uranus bring stress. You will need to rest, because the only way to face problems. Find free time to engage in activities that bring you pleasure. Some issues that require mental energy that will make you look good and will put in motion.

This year requires more rational approach. A consecutive series of events will come to you in 2013. Under the negative influence of Saturn, melancholy moments can deteriorate, but it will not last long. Under the influence of Pluto will develop strength of imagination and creativity. What you need to do is to keep your inspiration and everything will be in its own country.

Lions are the heart of any business because more than all the other signs are dedicated and loyal to the job. Passionate and dynamic as sufferers should help everyone enjoy and are great observers and diplomats. Have more energy, are more creative and enthusiasm which easily spread to others.

If you plan to start a project, then March is the best time to develop the project. A time will devote myself especially, satisfaction, watching movies and tracked surroundings. There will not feel fear in their professional or personal level in. There will be no need vex your beloved person, and as a bonus you can expect the same thing from him. Changing work brings you positive changes. Family problems will surely face in July.
Social events you bring positive changes in life. This year will deal with political meetings and sporting events. I will stay as far away jealousy and melancholy.

Lions are very satisfactory, characterized by cheerful notes. There are many fun and love to play, even when the situation can be really serious. Leo wants to be in the spotlight during the action. The loves life, children, power. Is authoritarian, generous and elegant. Keep the great responsibility for things that surround you. Nobody can be the best friend you. Often suffering from an emotional wounds and because you are very proud, do not ask for help. In the end, life would not be as interesting without the Lions.

Career: astral influences help in 2013 to be more sociable. The combined impact of Mars and Pluto give you the opportunity to focus on the differences between your expectations and the expectations of associates in the business environment. Walk your way and things will start to slowly flourish. A helping hand is welcome, but also make sure you have your reservations. Do not immerse in unnecessary expenses during this time. Plan for a better financial future and work to achieve your goals. Be careful when it comes to lending and borrowing, as may be involved in undesirable situations. As the months pass, your sincerity and patience will be rewarded in the professional field.

Partner: Under the influence of Mars and Pluto, will experience a true rebirth. If you are single, love will easily find its way to you. If you are in love with someone about distance, communication will simply be terminated. If you really think that relationship seriously and want to be successful, a person should try to know how to love. Avoid unnecessary debates, because it can disrupt relationships with. If you already have problems with your beloved person, then it is high time to restore relations. If you're in a relationship, since it will bring to a relationship both really quiet and comfortable.
Lions defend their loved ones too. Can become very possessive and jealous. Lions love like in fairy tales. Above all, an atmosphere of peace will involve your love life. Peace and patience seems to be part of your natural for this year.

Health: During the year will enjoy excellent health. Impulses in early March will make you more proud than ever before, so will also try some extreme sports.

People of this sign must be prepared to be more dynamic in 2013. Will finally have to give up more prudent approach to life and start making life more relaxed. Struggles and efforts will be seen in the workplace and this will be rewarded. Knowledge and seeking new experiences will stimulate intense sense of security.

Virgins of worship work. They are very communicative and wondering how to advance the work. There is no area where virgins are not so good for the organization and their capacity can reach anywhere. The only thing that can go on the road to success is Perfection.

This year, your actions will be under the influence of Mars, however it will help me move forward boldly. Check your thoughts and steer in the right direction. Can not wait to be both beautiful and complete, if you head is full of negative thoughts. Even the most insignificant thing can seriously endanger the peace of mind. The worst is that could hinder future plans.

Physical exercise will have a positive impact on your mood and help you to eliminate negative thoughts. If you constantly stay seated, activities, even a small physical - will have a positive impact.
Virgin persons sign this year will deal with art, music and natural beauty. New ideas, places and things will mark this year. Until now daily activities can be transformed into a new passion. Always look only forward!

Virgo is more characterized by care for themselves. Those born under this sign believe heavily on personal skills and, according to them, they manage to do everything, and this will be the best year to show how valid. Often, based on the abilities and character of persons invincible sign of the Virgin, will create enemies, always criticizing, even unjustly. Are altruistic, honest, in every aspect of their lives, but often display signs with accountability.

Career: You will be very focused on work and career. Malicious rumors are strictly prohibited. Mercury impulses attract clients successful and long-term work with them. Your freedom to waste and reckless spending is likely to change for the better. Planets will ensure that your needs and desires are met, but not your greed.

Partner: The love you expect a host of surprises, especially during March and April. It will be a euphoric period when it comes to love relationships. It would also be an optimistic period. But this does not mean that everything will go well, as you expect. Be careful and do not let that fool you fallen in love. Beware of rumors which may cause adverse effects. Year in office romance is strictly prohibited. They are about love, will again feel the breeze of romantikës. Maybe you can not give yourselves fully loving person, but the moments that will spend together will be compensated. Uranus provides fun and adds intense heat. Even if it caused any conflict, will not last long. It is certain that by the end of the year will enter into matrimonial waters.
Virgins are attentive to the people who are important to them. Devoted to the relationship. Rarely can you find a virgin who is not put in its defense relationship.

Health: virgins are not likely to have health problems. Some minor health problems that will appear occasionally swayed a little rock your boat this year. Take good care of yourself and avoid any kind of neglect when it comes to health.

Organize your thoughts and determine which things need more attention. It's time to work afirmoheni, perhaps working for change. Will radiate positive energy and enthusiasm. Year will be better shape than ever before. Will have new knowledge that will be the true inspiration in your life. I will update the missing creativity.

This year phase begins incredible ideas that you can implement in future projects. Versatility of use of time is one in which we focus. A soft line adds creativity planetary influence, which supplies power to you. You will feel the spirit of empathy, which this year will be especially pronounced. Will create contacts with less privileged people who will help you in all possible ways. Any form of sport, passion and entertainment will create a sense of happiness.

Occupation scales is ideal for working with people, and with their charm and diplomatic responses to coax anyone. I hate conflict and will always leave them to remain with all the best reports.

It is a good time to socialize with friends and colleagues. You will understand that this year your instinct is your greatest enemy. Whether it comes to business transactions, the visualization of social events, education or speculative projects. Expect good results in April. Are you open to one philosophy and ideas and work with people of different languages ​​and cultures.
Your life during this time will pass through many processes and temptations. Calm down, prapsuni and can ripërtërihuni to feel better.

Depending on the personality of their occurrence, individuals of this sign will be able to manage quite well to weigh their actions. Considered as people who know how to build their good relationship and are excellent partners, at the same time. Excellent ideas, opinions and diplomatic available, will be key to success. In difficult moments they must be careful to balance everything. They taste good and are very rational.

Career: Finally you will be convinced that the efforts that you made last year are showing positive results. Financial situation will improve, and just this year could make the desired move forward. Efforts and hard work is expected to lead to the end of the year award. Colleagues of your team will benefit from your presence. Do not submit any kind of temptation when it comes to financial issues and positions at work. Do not hesitate to enter into financial unfamiliar territory. This is a time to plant, and not to be harvested when it comes to labor issues.

Partner: Surely you can expect the unexpected when it comes to strain relations. All this year will fight and try to create a balance between personal and business life. Will be convinced that it is not so easy to achieve. There will be a complete transformation in your love relationship. There will be room for you to be able to express themselves in a more vulnerable partner. And this is the right time to express your feelings and inner desires to your other half.
Weighing express their feelings, even in different forms. They are very attentive and cordial. Are waiting for true love and when they find loyal. Want peace, not create chaos, are romantic and passionate.
Professional life will also crosses your field of emotions. But do your best to keep a boundary between the two and not obliterate the border. Do not hide anything from your partner. You can expect a further sugaring in your relationship during the past year.

Health: Balances are likely to have problems with metabolism. Do not ignore minor pains because you never know which of ignorance will cause more problems. Let the feelings and emotions aside for a period of time. Make sure you do not use all your energy.

The positions of the planets you drag force alone, even when your life is filled with activities. You will be taken to solve the problems in social life, love and business. Be careful in resolving sensitive issues. Mercury helps you to access these issues wisely.
Persons under the sign of Scorpio are more diversified nature of all zodiac signs. Their characteristics can range from friendly to hostile ones. Astrologers often have difficulties in their study of nature.
Scorpio is the sign of Aquarius, so it is very emotional. Signs of scorpions is often associated with subtlety, mystery and enigma. Scorpions are many types of closed and possess rigorous control over their emotions, which makes more enigmatic than others. This is so because of their attractiveness.

Scorpions like power and control and take their job very seriously. Like security, but mostly motivates competition. Will do everything to achieve financial security and prestige at work. Scorpions are either very arrogant or very good.

2013 Scorpions is dynamic. Mallëngjyeshme social life keeps awake. However, your magical nature often compels you to close itself. Life can be this year "emotional journey with the train of death". You will need considerable time in order to learn to appreciate the differences, which you place in your life. Finances and money issue will be stable, but still need to be cautious and to avoid unnecessary costs.

Scorpions are individuals who are tempted by the desire to accurately calculate everything. For them life has a single meaning: the birth, life and death. But all these are characterized by the desire to be sexual. Scorpions this year will be under great transformation opportunities. Driven by passion, they will be ready to generate any detail that seems to be waning. This year they will be helped by the finance to be assessed, as well as investments that will be needed for a really long time.

Career: efforts that so far have done will bring results and gratitude. Your creativity will be at its highest level, while you will be able to track new regions. Your progress will be like this year's car which starts slowly, then starts "jog" very fast across the highway. No one will take your step. You will be very active and will also have new ways in your life. You should be able to create good connections with people in high society. Your level of confidence will increase and you will be able to keep your ideals. Expected to have more freedom and can overcome any obstacles that will come your way this year. But this should use more tact and diplomacy.

Partner: Your love life this year will be adventurous curves. If it will not give up the course romantic awakening will fail with internal positive and constructive meetings more enjoyable. Planets forcing you to deal with your emotional nature, whereas your appearances are in harmony with what is in your heart! In your presentation stand out sincerity and spontaneity. The influence of Mars in early just helps you when you need it. Your partner will feel the love for this suspect should not! You need more privacy, shared moments and near. Meetings which will take place this year will help you to understand more ambiguous elements of your past and will demolish barriers nonsense.
Scorpions have a magnetic personality that makes eye-catching when you are nearby.
Tend to ignore the biggest mistakes of human love.
Their sensitive side appears almost never do.

Health: You have been warned that if the neglect your health, eat healthy food and exercise regularly, in order not to have health problems. Problems of family members can lead to internal conflicts. Although these conflicts will not last long, will surely leave a mark on you.

Will have a very successful year. Plante position before you represents different opportunities that are busy, even when you want to avoid by all. Still enjoy the help of Saturn's love life, which will help you to touch the stars.

Sagittarius Centauri shows, however this means that it has its own sign in the animal elements and elements of human nature. Often shows how his arrow turns from heaven. As a result, the spiritual and Archers often want to reach the heights of spirituality. For this reason, Archers want to spend time outdoors as athletes, adventurous and research. Easily and quickly becomes monotonous everything. However, this does not necessarily mean that they are not oriented toward their life goals. Archers always seeking adventure, while fear routine. Knowing their nature and makes the world more creative. Great optimism, even during the darkest stages of life. This year, when Jupiter will enter the sign of their optimism will definitely be worthwhile. The positive influence of planets helps to overcome the barriers that stand before.

This sign would be best to work that allows complete freedom and enthusiasm. Is born lawyer, who likes to explore and try to realize their dreams. There tend to be angry, while their anger is short-lived.

Archers should be careful before making important decisions, in order to avoid excitement and change. Family life will be peaceful and enjoy good family relationships.

People born under this sign are psychological and skilled people to understand others, just listen to voice them or see them in the eye. This ability to feel the person face to face, makes them feel their opinions kings. Are optimistic, even when everything seems very bleak. Everything good and safety plan itself, to succeed, is the key element that makes them move forward. Willing to move to get everything out of life.

Career: Progress, which have achieved last year will continue this year. Jupiter is a strong leader who will help you advance in areas of research, learning and entrepreneurship. In this way you will encounter the possibility of professional growth boom. There may also be some financial problems may exacerbate, but this will rarely happen, because there will be problems that need to worry. Your projects will be implemented for good.

Partner: Your love life this year goes toward stabilization, stay together and long-term transformations. You will be resourceful and know to help loving person. Most will clearly discern the true intentions of people. It would be impossible for anyone deceive you! Must devote more time to understanding partner and gain his trust. If you currently own, you expect new cases to recognize people. Nobody says that you will be surrounded by many loving potential, but will probably have some new people who will love your life more interesting to do. If you are single, this year will bring you such social meetings that will help you to have a stable relationship. If you are already involved in a relationship, this period will help you to be open with your partner and sort out their differences can be shown between you.
Archers are ready to risk everything for love. Even in a relationship they have personal freedom. I like compliments.

Health: Archers usually have good health. However, the fast way of living can affect insomnia and some of you may suffer from lack of rest.

This year the stars predict you be quiet. Those born under this sign will develop a sense of tranquility. This year's pulling your nature, courage and sentimental will be in focus. Will take greater initiative, no matter what part of life to be about.

Capricorn is a great professional, likes to plan and achieve their goals will stop at nothing. People are very ambitious and do not accept compromises. They caution when it comes to spending. Capricorn often flaunt creative side.

The effects of planet Saturn will generate serious positive energy. Even though your actions in the personal and business will be slower, will forever leave a mark. Independence and aesthetics will be the best source of inspiration for you. This year you will be more satisfied and will have more confidence.
If you plan to change jobs or move to a new environment, this year is the best choice for such changes. Looking for a job, you will get employment opportunities in the workplace, which will offer you good profits and safety. Social life and events will be in full bloom by mid-year. Keep a clear line between private and social life!
Better progress would have advanced this year than last year. Under the influence of Pluto, will enjoy greater freedom of action. You will feel pleasure, because some people will get under your protection. Saturn urges you to secure your financial future. Do not hesitate offer them your knowledge and skills to organizations classified.

Being characterized by people mad desire to experience everything, you will be always in search of good. Guys are dreamers and often forget that life is reality and not a dream. 're A bit temperamental and sometimes you wish you're in the spotlight, even when it should not. 're Very persistent when it comes to what they want. Also you are very organized and in many cases the patient know. To others you can see a person cold and inaccessible, but it is only as a result of your practice, relationships with others are more cautious.

Career: Good judgment and sense of reality will help in achieving progress in the work decision. The Mars planetary influence will help you to easily perform obligations. All the limitations and constraints of life seems to stay away from you. But we have to create security for themselves and for those around you. Of late it seems that some things in your life will slow down.

Partner: Your love life this year will experience complete transformation. No matter where you are, you will meet the person I would want to create serious about love. If the connection is still at the very beginning and have not shown your love, now is the most opportune moment to do this step. On the other hand, if long already be about love, now is the best time for a romantic spirit again. Minor problems in the relationship with the person would have wanted, but under the influence of Uranus defense will easily choose. Will probably be tempted to argue about your personal life, so it is best to avoid this at the first meeting. Planets will make sure that your romantic and emotional needs are met in a subtle way. If you are single, this year will be the right one to come looking for your other half.
Capricorn are loyal and committed to the partner. They are very tolerant and extremely possessive relationships. Always finds the wings when needed support.

Health: You will be more relaxed and optimistic. It seems that there will be many things to do that will get you more mental energy. But you will be physically better shape than previous years.

Persons under the sign of Aquarius are universal citizens. Even men, and women, are liberal clown, eloquent, great thinkers and good communications. Universal nature can create the impression that emotions are separate from, which is partially correct.

The past year for you was more relaxed, and the year you expect more action and more opportunities. Will often find yourself facing situations that require quick response. Before you is a year of opportunities and a lot of progress in many cases for private and business life. Jupiter will have a powerful impact on your mark, however you will have the feeling that you have achieved happiness.
I'll have more free time to relax and revitalize than last year. However, the practice seems to have tolerance in life. A more relaxed atmosphere is expected to come to you this year. Near the end of the year is likely to materialize your ambitions. Your creative side will come out for good. Stages of intense work pressure and tranquility should be alternated.

Amphibians are independent and love their freedom. Work is ideal for what it offers plenty of autonomy that can be chiefs of yourself and determine the pace of the work. I enjoy communicating with people and respond to their diplomatic anyone can do for themselves.

Persons belonging to the sign of Aquarius are excellent analysts situations. Were friendly, pleasant and smooth, at the same time. Of all the zodiac signs you're more original. From this sometimes fall into deep thought. Objectivity is one which others require from you. Once appear with a wonderful plan to fix things, but next time distracted and disorganized. Arguments are the most important thing for you. During 2013 you will have the opportunity and the chance to keep close to the people who will reward you for life. Someone needs your ability to keep close.

Career: Your life will develop business through changes which will have an impact on your private life. You will understand what needs to change so that your strategy to deliver the expected results. This will not pass without hesitation and doubt, especially during the spring. However, in order to believe in themselves enough, however it will allow you to adjust. Lack of time can hinder your professional ambitions, but do not push things off when it comes to important decisions related to your career.

Partner: This year in communication with the loved person, will encounter many successes and failures. In the field of emotions this year will be more stable and will bear normal and expected problems in a relationship.
No matter how you try to prevent disputes occur not you, will not go to hand, so before the end of the year. In intuition will guide you love and it will show the best. If something goes wrong, do not criticize yourself. In love, occasional conflicts can assist in resolving disputes. Some of the past events can sabotage your relationships emerge. You will need to be clearer with better evaluate yourself and your inner motivations. If you are already involved in a love relationship, even the most intimate moments may be experiencing. A general harmony is expected to include your love life.
In a relationship with an aqueous never get bored there. Creative people and always bring surprises. Even if you get jealous, not to ever show. I stick close partner in any situation. Are emotional and sensitive.

Health: I will let others concerns irk you and you spend energy. Planets will ensure that you have a good health throughout the year, although occasionally may have minor concerns.

This year horoscope predicts slow progress Pisces. Come out of your impulsiveness and will not tolerate any obstacles. Compared with last year, Saturn will offer more confidence. Other planetary influences affecting the better use of energy, will keep you away from bad habits and provide the benefit of new things. Jupiter helps you to stay in good shape, the first in January. Will take important decisions and will show your position clearly and loudly. However, this mental clarity can not be constantly in your own favor, however can also be the cause of disappointments.
Internal conflicts can occur if you fail the balance between mind and heart. Strength of self helps to cope more easily with problems.

Pisces need for security and freedom. Are very sensitive and are immersed in the world of their dreams, and are proud about material things. Extremely creative, like to point out their ideas and will fight for them until the end.

This is a year when your professional skills are put to the test. Should leave intact and untouched by it. It is also important to pluck the fruits of your labor. Will enjoy gratitude for which you have the need for a pretty long time. Pay the details matter. Colleagues will be working with you this year. Try to use this situation to your favor to achieve your personal ambitions.

People born in this period will experience that in the early days of strong feelings, which must be carefully maintained throughout the year. Guys are dreamers, it makes often vulnerable to reality. Not only are more altruistic, but soul artist, in every sense of art called. Their life will always be filled full of surprises; their ability to experience everything will always make the walk ahead. People who are around you are usually surprised by your strong personality. Also have strong intuition and can understand the views of others very easily.

Career: promote planetary influences in the overall assessment of capacity. Would encourage you to focus on personal potential and achieve the desired results. This year will see the long-term ideas and your plans will apply. Values ​​and your conscience will be tested as the months pass. On the other hand, certainly reports to superiors and associates will cause resentment. Although this feeling in any way will not be visible, you will feel guilty. The perfect balance of Uranus and Pluto will help to face this new situation and successfully complete jobs

Partner: Pisces artists and romantics who are fundamentally loyal partners, confident and generous. Can easily understand your feelings, sometimes even before you self conscious about them. July and October are the months of love. If you are single, then you know that the time is right to enter someone in your life, and possibly the right one. If you think about marriage, it's time to stop dreams towers in the air and finally decide to do something about this issue. If you have previously been shy, this is the best chance for a new connection thread. Use the chance and talk to the person who already is a long time you like. Will probably be surprised to realize how many things you have in common. Those who are already in a relationship or about to marry, should find time to better understand their other half. Let harmony involve you and it will make your faith will grow normally. End of the year will help your minds about different relationships.

Health: A kind of fatigue can be felt occasionally, and would not hurt to keep a good balance between work and time to rest. I will find time for relaxation therapy and exercises will make your girlfriend.

Daily Horoscope: May 24, 2013

Horoskopi ditor: 24 Maj 2013


Puna: Komunikim kualitativ
Shëndeti: Jeni agresivë
Dashuria: Partneri do të jetë i pikëlluar


Puna: Do të arrini punën që keni ëndërruar
Shëndeti: Ndjeheni mirë
Dashuria: Mund ta gjeni shpirtin binjak


Puna: Do të vijë në pah kreativiteti
Shëndeti: Jini natyralë
Dashuria: Mbani kontaktet


Puna: Duhet të hulumtoni
Shëndeti: Terapia po jep rezultate
Dashuria: Stili i hapur nuk jep sukses


Puna: Mendoni një plan më të mirë
Shëndeti: Shqetësime në lukth
Dashuria: Afërsi dhe sentimentalitet


Puna: Zgjidhni opsionin që ju jep më shumë hapësirë
Shëndeti: Probleme me veshka
Dashuria: Njiheni nga një anë tjetër


Puna: Probleme me një bashkëpunëtor
Shëndeti: Ecni më tepër
Dashuria: Ditë e bukur për shoqërim


Puna: Jeni diskret dhe kreativ
Shëndeti: Bëni disa analiza
Dashuria: Lidhja juaj në krizë


Puna: Gjërat po marrin drejtimin e duhur
Shëndeti: Kujdes lëkurën
Dashuria: Shfrytëzoni fjalë të mençura


Puna: Një ditë e ngarkuar
Shëndeti: Mos u shqetësoni nga dhimbjet e vogla
Dashuria: Një hap i gabuar


Puna: Ditë për të pushuar
Shëndeti: Nganjëherë bëni ndonjë kontroll
Dashuria: Bëni një lëvizje përpara


Puna: Sfida të reja për diskutim
Shëndeti: Gjendje stabile
Dashuria: Nuk pranohet kërkimfalja